December 22, 2011 at 2:51 pm
The team was lucky enough to spot Reza Salleh during the Mystical Eve Countdown Party press conference recently so we asked him a couple of questions. Here is what he has to say about New Year: How does it feel to be invited to perform at the Mystical Eve Countdown Party?
Reza: I feel very honoured that they like my music and want to include me in this and I’m very excited. New Year’s Eve shows are a lot of fun and I love fun gigs.
Rexa Salleh is performing on Mystical Eve at ENCORP Strand What are your New Year’s resolutions?
Reza: My New Year’s resolutions are to work on the next album and to learn another language, preferably Japanese. Any other languages other than Japanese?
Reza: I think one language at the time is enough for the moment. Maybe tfor he year after 2012 I’ll think of another language to learn. Did any of your New Year’s resolutions came true?
Reza: You know, the funny thing about these resolutions is that I don’t remember them, so I wouldn’t be able to answer that. I don’t know if they did, so maybe they didn’t. I’d like to think that they did though. *laughs* Any plans in store for the coming year, you know… career wise, other than the new album?Or maybe you can tell us more about the new album?
Reza: Oh… the new album is kind of sitting on the shelf at the moment. I have the materials for it, but it’s just a matter of getting the right resources together to pull it off as well as the planning involved in producing an album. These are the things that I am working on at the moment. Also, I am thinking of expanding my music to the regional level, something that I have taken a lot of interest recently. Playing in other countries is a lot of fun! I am looking to playing more shows in Bandung, Japan and Korea. How was the reception there in Japan and Korea?
Reza: It was excellent! They didn’t know who I was and I think they didn’t understand what I was singing, but I was very touched with their warm response in both countries. When you were younger, how did you spend your New Year’s eve? Like during your teenage years, or maybe even college years… Any memorable stuff that comes to your mind?
Reza: The only thing that comes to mind about New Year’s eve is being stuck in the jam. *Laughs out loud* I remember one year, I did the countdown in the car. You know how when you were younger, you would like to go out and party or something, so and when everybody is going out at the same time, it causes a really bad jam. But thankfully in recent years I have opted for a more low key, chilled out kind of celebration. Other than being caught in the jam, do you remember any memorable New Year’s eve? celebrations? Something that is nice and sweet… which you will still talk about till this day.
Reza: At the end of the day, it really is spending time with friends that matter. When I have that kind of quiet time, that really makes my my year worthwhile. At the end of the day, these are the things that are important to me – my music, my family, my friends and my loved ones. One last question before we let you go! Was 2011 a very memorable year for you?
Reza: Absolutely!! It’s an insane year because I launched my album in November 2010, which was the end of last year. So this whole year has been crazy for me, as I was promoting my album on top of playing at five different festivals as well as doing performances in Singapore, Japan, Korea and Indonesia. I thought December may have been a quiet month, but it turned out to be otherwise. It’s still an awesome experience.
Tags: Countdown New Year’s Party, ENCORP Strand, Kuala Lumpur, Melbourne, Mystical Eve 2012, New Year’s Eve, Party, Reza Salleh