Tourism Malaysia

Gunung Sari Market (wet and dry) at Lombok island

On the third day morning, before we travel to Sendang Gile Waterfall at the Mount Rinjani, we stopped by the local market – Gunung Sari Market – wet and dry  (S8.54177 E116.10707).

As Pak Uji said, they called this type of market ‘7-11’. But it’s not similar to the convenience stall we familiar with, 7-11 is the operating or business hour of the market…means 7-11am.

Before we step into the market, there was a row horse-drawn carriage called ‘Cidomo’, use as a short distance public transport for the locals.

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We walked through the dry market and there were many stuffs that really new to me. From the daily necessity, cloths, snacks and foods.

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I noticed some of the foods (for breakfast) were really look delicious! Too bad, we already had our breakfast in resort…or else I will definitely try some of it…

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After about an hour, we came to the end of the dry market…unfortunately the time was not allow for us to continue to the wet session.

Another type of public transport spotted at the exit, it looks like ‘Angkot’ from Jakarta but with a smaller capacity…too bad I forgot to get the name of it…

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The familiar scene in Bali island also happen here in Lombok, the gasoline for light vehicles was easy available along the busy street of Lombok island.

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While waiting for our teammate – Tony who was missing in the market, we took another group photo before our next destination – Sendang Gile Waterfall.

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Related post for Lombok island trip :-
Airasia media FAM trip to Lombok Island – Indonesia on July 2014