Malaysia Travel Guide

Sarawak International Dragon Boat 2016

Sarawak International Dragon Boat 2016

From November 11th to 13th, we had a big event, “Sarawak International Dragon Boat Race 2016” at the Kuching Waterfront.

“Dragon Boat” was originally from China and nowadays it is known as a ‘New Sport’ across the world. The keys to winning the race are teamwork and timing.

We would like to tell you about our experience in this event.

11月11日(金)から11月13日(日)にかけ、クチンのウォーターフロントにおいて”Sarawak International Dragon Boat Race 2016” が開催されました!Dragon Boatは古代中国を発祥の地とし、今では「ニュー・スポーツ」として世界中を巻き込んでいます。全員が力とタイミングを合わせて、勝利をつかみに行くスポーツです。今回はこのイベントにおいての私たちの経験をお話ししたいと思います。


Mitsumasa Hamano : I supported a lot of paddlers as a member of steering committee in this event, and my work was preparation before the race.  All I had in my mind was “What should I do for them to make their race better?” At first, I didn’t know what I should do in order to concentrate on the race because I’ve never watched Dragon Boat, not to mention I’ve never participated in it!

Therefore, I talked to some paddlers about their problems related to the boat before starting the race, and I realized that they were worried about the water in the boat. I thought it was a common issue for the water to flow into the boat during the race, but this was my thought. After realizing it, I removed the water from the boat as much as possible during my free time. I learned that it is important to be aggressive for someone to go through this experience.

今回は運営側として選手をサポートしていたのですが、決まった仕事を超えて、選手に対して何ができるのかを一番に考えました。僕は船の発着場での選手の手伝いでしたので、業務自体はすぐに分かりました。しかし、それだけで選手は本当に気持ちよく競技できるのかと思い、選手自身に聞いてみたところ、「船の中の水が邪魔であること」に気がつきました。川だから水が入って当たり前、と考えていたのですが、結構邪魔で気分が良くないことが話してみてわかり、それ以降空いた時間に水を川に戻す作業をしていました。選手から “Thank you”と言われた時は、本当に感無量でした。


By Mitsumasa Hamano
Japanese Intern in Sarawak Tourism Board

Kanon Ushio : I learned a lot of things through the experience of joining this event as a member of the staff. My task was to remind each team of the race schedule and to make sure they gather at the boarding area on time at every race. Although I was only assisting for two days, I realized I could not excuse myself because participants would ask me a lot of questions, thinking of me as one of the staff because I was wearing an official T-shirt. Therefore, I had to equip myself with details and information about the event.

It was a bit tough running up and down under the sun day but actually I felt a sense of achievement after I spoke to some paddlers as they appreciate my assistance by saying “Thank you for your hard work.” at the end of the event.

I’m so happy that I was given the opportunity to join this big international event. We were blessed with such a lovely weather for the race through the weekends, (even though it is monsoon season now, the power of dragon defeated the rain!) Special thanks to all the teams from all over the world, event organizers, and everyone for making these three days wonderful!  See you next year! ☺

スタッフの一員としてこの大会に参加させていただき、多くを学ぶことが出来ました☺私の業務は、試合ごとに各チームにスケジュールをリマインドし、ゲートに時間通りに集合させ、試合の流れをスムーズにすることでした。当日スタッフとして参加し、本当に何も知らない状況でしたが、スタッフのTシャツを着ている時点で、選手たちは私が大会の全てを把握しているとみなすため、言い訳は出来ないと痛感しました。そこで、選手や参加者から 何か質問を受けるたびに、別のスタッフを探し、明確な答えを得てから戻って伝える、ということを常に心がけて行動しました。






By Kanon Ushio
Japanese Intern in Sarawak Tourism Board


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