December 31, 2011 at 4:00 pm
It is the last day of 2011! If you have no plans, make your way to ENCORP Strand! As stated in yesterday’s post, the team posed a series of questions related to New Year, especially the ever famous New Year Resolutions, to Julie Woon and Megan Tan, the two lovely emcees for Mystical Eve 2011. They went out and sought some answers from your average Malaysians. The following is the last five questions we posed and the respective answers by the interviewees.
Adam Zain was kind enough to tell us what he thinks about New Year resolutions
JF: Judith Flora, Orchan
DL: Dennis Lau
R: Roshan
AO: Andy Ong
SY: Su Yi
AZ: Adam Zain
JA: Jern Ai
BL: Barbara Lam
SC: Su Ci
LT: Lyn Tan
Jern Ai
What are your New Year’s resolutions for 2012?
JF: To be able to complete my Masters course and get married.
DL: To be able to realise my long time goal of an upcoming concert / showcase, to continue making more good music, music videos and movies. But most of all, I would like to pray for world peace!
R: To be honest… I do not understand the concept. WHY should anyone wait till end of the eyar to change their ways? If you do not like something about yourself… then do something about it IMMEDIATELY!
AO: I have not made any at the moment.
SY: Probably to have a better management of my finance :p
AZ: I feel like a party pooper for saying this but I’ve reached the stage of not bothering with resolutions. Self-improvement and goals should be set at anytime of the year and at any frequency. Plus I am not smart enough to come up with original resolutions.
JA: To be more up for going out with friends at night even if I have to work the next day… and save up to furnish my new apartment!
BL: I will stop replying to funny jokes that I hear by saying LOL!
SC: Same as every year – to be a royal princess legally! CLEARLY, New Year’s resolutions are meant to be broken. Hahaha…
LT: Work on continuous improvement in all aspects of my life
What is your idea of a perfect New Year’s countdown party?
JF: A party that is filled with performances such as singing and dancing to lighten up the joy of the coming New Year
DL: Bubblebath with Champagne
R: Being able to spend it with my mom and my family members, as it is my mom’s birthday, so we normally have a party for her.
AO: Being with the people I love and making great memories!
SY: Spending it with the people that I care and the company that I enjoy
AZ: Chilled out with the closest people in my life and avoiding the crowds.
JA: To be surrounded with family and friends at a fun yet low-key gathering.. lots of yummy food, dancing, music and laughter. Maybe even Twister or Taboo!!
BL: Fireworks, free flow and great friends around!
SC: A secret-no-cameras-allowed-type-of-lingerie-party? :p
LT: Being with loved ones. Have endless funny conversations and do all things fun all night long. No matter where you may be, it’s the company that matters the world.
One of our willing interviewees, Barbara Lam
Are New Year’s celebrations too hyped up?
JF: They are, since this is only done once in a year.
DL: Yes, actually I feel that’s the same with birthdays. I am not so hyped up about it unless I am involved musically with it.
R: YES… without a shadow of a doubt. But I guess for some people it is a big deal!
AO: Nope. There is a lot of people that want to reflect and celebrate the end of the year, and it is also a great change agent for those looking at making changes in their lives.
SY: Yes!!
AZ: Yes they are. It’s the same thing everywhere! I feel the need to gather an unnecessarily large group of people into a club and do our own countdown an hour before it’s even New Year’s eve just to troll with other people’s party plans.
JA: Depends on where you go to. Sometimes places jack up the price of things and label it “New Year’s eve food/drink/venue decorations” or something like that. But if it is done right, it can be amazing!
BL: Yes
SC: Not really… it is always good to welcome a brand new year with brand new hopes and dreams. A New Year always makes me feel like I get a second time around to do things right.
LT: Nope, I mean it is the NEW YEAR. It is another chance for all of us to get it right. So yeah… hyping it up is just about as perfect as it can be.
Su Ci
What do you hate about New Year parties?
JF: When people get drunk and they cannot recognise what is going on and instead cause commotions.
DL: Usually, it is the traffic after the new year parties that turns me off.
R: The ending… it is sad that parties have to come to an end… sigh!!
AO: The crowd and the traffic
SY: Crowd control and road traffic
AZ:It is the trail of traffic they create hours before New Year’s eve. People lose their minds sometimes and just leave their cars wherever they can find a spot just to catch a performance / fireworks.
JA: That my best friends cannot share it with me because they are busy with their own families. I have yet to have a New Year’s eve party that everyone I love is in the same room.
BL: Traffic jams
The day after. (the mess to clean, the whole ‘what happened last night?’ reaction when you wake up, the hangover!! yelch!)
LT: Mad traffic lockdown. Oh and the major whirlwind of a mess that it made. I feel bad for the people who have to clean up after the parties.
Lyn Tan
What do you love about New Year parties?
JF: I love the fireworks that is put on every year.
DL: The wishes blessings that we share and receive from strangers around us.
R: The fact that it is the start to a new year and another 365 days of living my life to the fullest!!
AO: Just being with the people that I love and making great memories
SY: People watching… I like observing how other people dress.
AZ: As long as you are with the right company, New Year eve parties (or any party for that matter) is going to be pretty good.
JA: Haha watching aunties and uncles try to groove to BEP’s Boom Boom Pow or Kesha’s Tik Tok (it’s like a train wreck… so awful but you cannot look away!). That and getting all dolled up to party-hearty! Perfect time to showcase that new dress you have been keeping for such an occasion.
BL: The next day is a public holiday!
SC: Washing away past years’ regrets and mistakes and moving forward with a new hope for change. Maybe for the first day then you will realize it’s any day like always.. hahahah!!
LT: Fireworks! And I love how on this significant annual event, everybody would just let their hair down and be joyful. It is like every man’s birthday!
Tags: Countdown New Year’s Party, ENCORP Strand, Mystical Eve 2012, New Year