October 7, 2011 at 2:00 pm
Join Paul Loosley, Director of Axis Films and an adjunct professor at Limkokwing University as he
examines two great works by two very different Irish playwrights, George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. Both were Dublin-born, a little more than a year apart, and while both had much to say about society, were used their remarkable writing skills to say quite dramatically different things in quite contrastingly different ways.
The second edition will see a screening of four different movies, two movies each by George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. This series of movie screenings will take place at 3.00 pm, on 2nd , 9th, 16th and 23rd October 2011 at Indicine, klpac. Admission is free and so is the seating arrangement.
Paul Loosely’s George and Oscar on Film
The movies that will be screened are as follows:
2nd October at 3.00 pm George Bernard Shaw’s Major Barbara
The play presents a brilliant question to the public about morals – if an arms manufacturer can give a good life to its employees and create many job opportunities to people, is it morally wrong for them to be making and selling weapons that causes destruction and mayhem? This is the question that Barbara, the daughter of Andrew Undershaft, is facing. Barbara is a Major in the Salvation Army and the daughter of an arms dealer. When she finds that her father is one of the Salvation Army’s biggest financial benefactors, her difficulty in dealing with her father’s ethics are made worse.
9th October at 3.00 pm Oscar Wilde’s Lady Windermere’s Fan
This comedy revolves around Lady Windermere, who discovers that her husband may be having an affair with another woman. When she confronts her husband about this matter, not only does he not resolve it, instead he invites the other woman, Mrs Erlynne, to her birthday ball. Angered by her husband’s move, Lady Windermere leaves her husband for another lover. After discovering what had happened, Mrs Erlynne follows Lady Windermere and attempts to persuade her to return to her husband.
16th October at 3.00 pm George Bernard Shaw’s Saint Joan
This play is about the life and trial of Joan of Arc. It was published not long after the canonization of Joan of Arc by the Roman Catholic Church. The play dramatises what is known of her life based on records of her trial.
23rd October at 3.00 pm Oscar Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest
This play is reputedly filled with gay code words and references and sadly was Wilde’s last play. It is a satire on how, in Wilde’s world, marriage, responsibility, wealth and birthright matters more than honesty, love, affection and honour. And the fact that everyone is pretending to be someone they are not.
Tags: George Bernard Shaw, KLPAC, Movie Screenings, Oscar Wilde