Satay Celup is one of the most favorable food that you must to try when you travel to Melaka, while at Jalan Ong Kim Wee having few of the shop are selling same cuisine, Satay Celup, but one many of them, Restoran Ban Lee Siang get the support from locals.
Here the vegetables, prawn, mushroom and white fungus is few of the choices that plenty of choice that you can eat together with the Satay sauce, per stick is 80 sen.
Here the ways you eat the ‘Satay Celup’, means you ‘celup’ all your favorites ingredients, the vegetables, prawn, mushroom or white fungus into the Satay sauce. Wait for few minutes and you ready to eat. There are heavy peanuts and little spicy for the Satay sauce.
Restoran Ban Lee Siang (???????)
Address : 45E, Jalan Ong Kim Wee, Melaka
Business hour : 5.30pm – 12.30am
GPS Coordinates : N2.202569, E102.243741
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