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Puteri Gunung Ledang

Puteri Gunung Ledang (PGL) tells the tale of the eponymous Princess of Mt. Ledang whose beauty is said to be unmatched.

Puteri Gunung Ledang

Tiara Jacquelina in Puteri Gunung Ledang the Movie.

Her legend and renown soon caught the attention of the then ruler of Malacca Sultan Mahmud Shah.

The Sultan, who upon hearing of the princess who lived at the peak of Gunung Ledang, sent a small group of men to trudge up the mountain to send her his marriage proposal.

After seven days of a challenging climb, the men reached the summit of Gunung Ledang and came upon an old and bent woman (invariably called Nek Kebayan in traditional Malay literature, and not unlike the haggard Witch of Western folklore).

The men explained the purpose of their visit to the old lady, but they were cautioned and given a forewarning: to be as truthful and honest of their intentions when meeting the princess.

Before the men could enquire the meaning behind her words, Nek Kebayan vanished before their very eyes. Where she stood, a mystical path appeared that led the men to an enchanting garden where they met the beautiful princess.

Upon meeting her, the men conveyed the Sultan’s marriage proposal but the princess demanded that the Sultan prepare a dowry that included a bridge of gold and silver from the summit of Gunung Ledang to Malacca; seven trays of mosquito hearts and seven trays of hearts of mites; a vessel of water from dried areca nuts; a vessel of virgin maiden tears; and a bowl of the Sultan’s son’s blood.

The princess would wed the Sultan only if her demands were met.

In the Sultan’s haste to satisfy his lust and desire, he set about fulfilling the list of dowry until he reached the final demand – a bowl of his son’s blood.

As the Sultan prepared to plunge his keris into his child’s body, the princess appeared before him out of thin air to stop him from doing so.

She condemned the Sultan on his willingness to kill his son to fulfill his selfish desires and expressed her dismay; she could never marry such a man.

It can be surmised that the purpose of the princess’ demands were twofold. It served as a hindrance to, as well as a test of character for potential suitors, and the Sultan failed the test.