Tourism Malaysia

Borneo Bird festival


The Borneo Bird Festival will be held at the Rainforest Discovery Centre (RDC), Sepilok Sandakan, Sabah.  This event will take place from 14 – 16 October 2011. The RDC is a centre for environmental education situate within the famous Kabili-Sepilok Forest Reserve. 

For the birding enthusiasts there will be photography competition, the Borneo Bird Race, daily guided birding tour, childrens’ activities and many more exciting programs at the Festival. 

There are minimal fees to attend the Lectures, Workshops and Guided tours.  Due to limited capacity, do register early to avoid disappointment.

For more information, please visit:

Tourism Malaysia

Forest Research Institute of Malaysia (FRIM)

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Tourism Malaysia

Spending A Day at MASiF 2011

September 30, 2011 at 2:00 pm

The Music, Art, Style International Festival (MASiF) 2011 is an event that celebrates the three different categories of art – fine art, fashion and music. One of the activities organised as an effort to cultivate a better understanding of Fine Art was the Public Programmes held at Galeri Petronas. The three programmes that was held on the 16th and 17th September were ‘An Evening with Amri Ginang‘, where participants were given an opportunity to be up close and personal with one of Malaysia’s pioneer photographers, Amri Ginang and ‘Fusion of Passion : Walk With The Artist‘, where some of Malaysia’s best painters, photographers, sculptors and illustrators talk about their latest works that are currently on display at Galeri Petronas. The last programme which was held on 17th September at 2.00 pm, was ‘Close and Personal : Soraya Ariff Awaluddin‘. Funny how this was the only talk that caught my eye. Maybe it was because of her credentials that made me curious, or it could have been the fact that she exudes a warm and friendly aura that made me wanted to listen to her story.

Close and Personal - Soraya and Ariff Awaluddin

Ariff and Soraya

Close and Personal - Soraya and Ariff Awaluddin

Soraya with Arif, the art coordinator of MASiF 2011 and Ir. Adam Salim having a short chat after the talk

As there was only a few of us at the start of the talk, Ariff suggested that we all drew our seats closer to the speaker’s table for a more intimate affair. The talk went on for about three hours, with both Ariff and Soraya sharing their thoughts and opinions about everything, from photography to issues that most photographers face in Malaysia. And boy, were those thoughts and opinions of theirs very interesting! It was a little bit dampening to hear how many of our local senior photographers are not very well-known compared to some of our senior artists. They also spoke on how changing times have made it easier for most to own a digital camera. For them, it is not the issue of how hi-tech one’s camera can be but more of the person’s understanding of the equipment’s functions and limitations. It was indeed an eye-opening talk for someone like me, who wants to make photography a serious hobby in the near future.

Close and Personal - Soraya and Ariff Awaluddin

Hanis, one of the participants of the talk speaking to Ariff after the session.

Close and Personal - Soraya and Ariff Awaluddin

Soraya Talismail and Ariff Awaluddin posing with a portrait taken by Soraya of Ungku Abdul Aziz

After the end of the talk, I decided to explore MASiF’s outdoor activities for a change. As it is all about celebration with everyone, some of the activities are held outdoors so that everyone can be a part of the festival. Though the skies threatened to soak everyone right to the bone that evening, it did not prove to be a dampener on their spirits as most of them went right ahead with their agenda. With the music from Friday King Road, an independent band that was performing at the background filling up the whole area, the environment of the evening is best described using photographs.

MASiF 2011 Day Three

Graceful dancers performing on stage at the Suria KLCC Concourse Area

MASiF 2011 Day Three

Though the skies looked like it was about to pour, it did not deter the crowds from hanging around and having fun at the Esplanade area

MASiF 2011 Day Three

Whether you are there to check out your favourite indie band or just to spend time with your family, there’s no doubt that everyone enjoyed themselves immensely

MASiF 2011 Day Three

The lead singer of an indie group called Friday King Road belting one out of their hit songs

MASiF 2011 Day Three

The band, Friday King Road

MASiF 2011 Day Three

A group of performers striking up a fun pose for their fans

MASiF 2011 Day Three

For some reason, everyone seems to be attracted to this golden human statue that was there during the MASiF event

MASiF 2011 Day Three

Anyone want to try their hands at staying still for as long as you can while standing?

As you can see, MASiF is the sort of festival that is best experienced first-hand, because the best parts of it must be seen, heard and experienced by ourselves in order to fully appreciate it.

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Tourism Malaysia

Royal Malaysian Police Open Day 2011

September 30, 2011 at 4:00 pm

The month of October will begin with a bang as the men in blue of Malaysia invites the public to attend its Police Open Day 2011 at Dataran Merdeka this Saturday, 1st October 2011. the event is one of several events held throughout the year to build closer ties with the general public and is also part the police’s celebration for Hari Raya.

The event will begin at 8 am and end at 6 pm. Among the activities planned for the day are street soccer matches, shooting simulations, cultural performances by ASWARA and of course, a lucky draw! As with other open house events, food will be served throughout 11am till 3 pm for those who attend and the day will end with a special performance by the Royal Malaysian Police Band.

Royal Malaysian Police

The Royal Malaysian Police Force will be organising an Open Day on 1st October 2011

While this event is focused on local Malaysians, visitors from any country are welcome to attend and experience this simple community affair.

As the event will be held at Dataran Merdeka, several roads in the city will be closed to motorists on Saturday, beginning at 12 am till 12 pm. The roads affected are Jalan Kinabalu/Bukit Aman exit, Jalan Kinabalu/Hishamuddin Roundabout, Jalan Raja/Jalan Hishamuddin, and Jalan Leboh Pasar Besar/Jalan Hishamuddin.

Other roads inaccessible to motorists will be Jalan Leboh Ampang/Jalan Tun Razak, Dato Onn Roundabout/Jalan Parlimen, Jalan Parlimen/Jalan Raja Laut, Jalan Leboh Pasar Besar/Jalan Mahkamah Persekutuan and Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman/Jalan Raja.

Photo (c) MyLifeStory

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