Malaysia Travel Guide

Sarawak’s Star Violinist Nisa Addina At Borneo Jazz

Sarawak’s Star Violinist Nisa Addina At Borneo Jazz

KUCHING, Wednesday –Sarawak-born award winning violinist Nisa Addina and her band Fluoroscent Collective will share the Borneo Jazz stage with renowned international artistes including Japan’s Osaka Monaurail and Canada’s Laila Biali, this May 12 to 13 at ParkCity Everly, Miri.

Making headlines at the young age of 14, Nisa won three gold awards at the World Championships of Performing Arts (WCOPA) in Hollywood in 2011 and the Anugerah Juara Lagu (AJL) 29 in 2015. She has since gone on to study at Berklee College in the United States, where she joined Fluoroscent Collective in 2015, a band of Berklee students founded by Boston-based Malaysian pianist and recording artist, JennHwan Wong, known as Jenn-the-Redman.

Nisa has been busy performing since 2011, taking stage at events like the Johor International Music Festival in 2012, the launching of the ASEAN International Film Festival and Awards and the Launch of Malaysia’s 50th Anniversary celebrations in 2013, as well as the Global Summit of Women in Kuala Lumpur in 2013 and again in France in 2014, as well as the Opening Closing of SUKMA 2016 in Kuching.

Nisa has even played for a president, having performed for the Official visit of President of China to Malaysia at Seri Perdana in 2013 and launched her first album “Yakina” in 2014, at 17 years old, and her second album “Tan Sri P. Ramlee” in 2015.

While Nisa’s journey hasn’t been easy, it has certainly been rewarding, and she has taken inspiration from different mentors who have taught her along the way, including her piano teacher who inspired her to take up violin at the age of 7, her parents and her peers who are like-minded in their passion for music.

“Since entering college and meeting many more people around my age doing the same thing as me, I find myself discovering different worlds of music that I didn’t delve into in my school days. It’s so beautiful. I wish to share that,” she said during an interview with Sarawak Tourism, explaining her passion for music, a passion she wishes to share. “It’s not just a form of entertainment, for me, it shares peace and love.”

Considering Nisa’s accomplishments before she has even graduated from Berklee, her life story has become an inspiration to local musicians in Sarawak and the rest of Malaysia.

As Nisa inspires them, she also continues to encourage them, urging them that “Sarawak needs you”. Nisa has urged people to support local artistes and musicians, “They are better than you think. My message is to tell everyone that art is not useless.”

Fluoroscent Collective will be performing a mix of genres from Rock to RB, pop to Blues, taking nice melodies and melding them with catchy, odd-time grooves to make their own unique repertoire. Every member contributes to their original compositions, whether individually written or drawn up as a group effort.

They’ve recently released a Live HD Cover Video of Miles Okazaki’s composition “Spiral,” and their originals include Point 7, Orange Line in Jackson and Sunny will be performed at Borneo Jazz.

Bands from Netherlands, Guadeloupe, Japan, South Africa, Italy, USA, Taiwan and countries from around the world will be performing at the Festival.

The Festival will be expanding its musical outreach programme, where aspiring musicians can learn the basics of Jazz Keyboard from professional musicians, by introducing additional classes for percussions and more.

The Festival includes night performances with sitting and dancing areas and a wide lawn for night picnics surrounded by arts, crafts and food stalls.

Festival tickets are available now and more information can be found at

Borneo Jazz is organised by Sarawak Tourism, endorsed by Tourism Malaysia and is jointly supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Sarawak and partnering with Malaysia Airlines as the presenting sponsor.

BJ2017 Flourescent Collective

Image shows band members of Fluoroscent Collective, with Nisa at second from left and Jenn-the-Redman fourth from left.

BJ2017 Nisa Addina

Image shows Nisa Addina’s Album Art for the album Tan Sri P. Ramlee (2015).

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Communications Unit
T: +6 082-423600  F: +6 082-416700
E: [email protected]

Malaysia Travel Guide

Freedom To Be Blue: DELGRES In Borneo Jazz

Freedom To Be Blue: DELGRES In Borneo Jazz

KUCHING, Saturday – The three-man band Delgres from Guadeloupe and France will be performing their Blues at Borneo Jazz on May 12 to 13 at ParkCity Everly, Miri.

A child of Caribbean heritage born and raised in France, Pascal Danae discovered his love of Blues in his ancestral home of Guadeloupe, and in the painful but meaningful history behind the conception of the Blues genre.

Originating in Louisiana, United States during a turbulent time of post-slavery racism, the creation of Blues was a response from the descendants of African slaves and Afro-Caribbean exiles to their daily hardships, as well as their protest against discrimination.

The namesake of the band ‘Delgres’ is Louis Delgres, a Guadeloupian hero who fought against the re-establishment of slavery in 1802.

By mixing Guadeloupian beats and tunes with old Louisiana Blues, a connection has been made over oceans, creating a singular Blues experience of two lands sharing a common denominator, which is using music to lament injustice while rejoicing and advocating freedom.

Through his music, Pascal Danae seeks to fight oppression in the way that founders of Blues did, channelling the voices of his ancestors through a melancholic Dobro guitar accompanied by sousaphone and percussions, painting a picture in a time when hopelessness and hope came together.

Pascal performs the Dobro guitar, while Raphaël Gouthiere plays the New Orleans sousaphone and Baptiste Brondy mans the drums.

This year marks the 12th edition of the festival and will feature international acts like Delgres from Guadeloupe/France, Laila Biali from Canada and Osaka Monaurail from Japan, along with local legends such as Fluoroscent Collective featuring local violinist Nisa Addina and Michael Simon’s Asian Connection, featuring legendary pianist Michael Veerapen.

The Festival will be expanding its musical outreach programme, where aspiring musicians can learn the basics of Jazz Keyboard from professional musicians, by introducing additional classes for percussions.

The Festival includes night performances with sitting and dancing areas and a wide lawn for night picnics surrounded by arts, crafts and food stalls.
Additional information on the festival and festival tickets, visit

Borneo Jazz is organised by Sarawak Tourism, endorsed by Tourism Malaysia and is jointly supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Sarawak and partnering with Malaysia Airlines as the presenting sponsor.

BJ2017 Delgres

BJ2017 © Remy Solomon

BJ2017 ©Pierre Danae

Photo by ©Pierre Danae

BJ2017 delgres

Issued by:
Communications Unit
T: +6 082-423600  F: +6 082-416700
E: [email protected]

About Sarawak Tourism

Sarawak Tourism Board was incorporated under the Sarawak Tourism Board (Incorporation) Ordinance, dated 12 November 1994.


  • To achieve its objectives of increasing tourist arrivals into the state.
  • To create awareness among the trade, media and public of the diversity of Sarawak in terms of tourism products, both on a regional and international basis.
  • To position Sarawak as a prime destination for culture, nature and adventure tourism in the above areas.
Malaysia Travel Guide

The Borneo Jazz Festival Is Back

KUCHING – The Borneo Jazz Festival is back celebrating its 12th anniversary year from May 12 to 13 at ParkCity Everly in Miri.


This year’s Festival features international Jazz names like Laila Biali from Canada, CaboCuba Jazz from the Netherlands and Delgres from Guadaloupe/France.

Laila was named the Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN) Composer of the Year and Keyboardist of the Year at Canada’s National Jazz Awards, while her album ‘Tracing Light’ was nominated for a JUNO award in ‘Best Vocal Jazz Album of the Year’ in 2011. Laila has since gone on to become an internationally acknowledged vocalist and pianist with words of praise from artists such as Sting who said “Laila is an exciting and unique talent, and I admire her greatly”.

CaboCuba Jazz has toured through various Jazz Festivals such as the Havana Jazz Festival in 2014 and Israel tour in 2016 and the lead singer Dina Medina was “Best Female Singer of Cape Verde 2012”. The band formed in the Netherlands but the members and their music is rooted in Cuba and Cape Verde melodies, creating a fast-paced subgenre that borders on adventurous.

Delgres from the Netherlands showcases traditional Blues with an afro-Caribbean accent from the days of Napoleon, which will take you from Louisiana to Guadeloupe and back.

Bands from Japan, South Africa, Italy, USA, Taiwan and countries from around the world will be performing at the Festival.

The Festival will be expanding its musical outreach programme, where aspiring musicians can learn the basics of Jazz Keyboard from professional musicians, by introducing additional classes for percussions.

The Festival includes night performances with sitting and dancing areas and a wide lawn for night picnics surrounded by arts, crafts and food stalls.
Early bird festival tickets are available now and more information can be found at

Borneo Jazz is organised by Sarawak Tourism, endorsed by Tourism Malaysia and is jointly supported by the Ministry of Tourism, Arts and Culture, Sarawak and partnering with Malaysia Airlines as the official sponsor.

BJ2017 ©Pierre Danae

Image shows Delgres band’s album art. Photo Credit: ©Pierre Danae

BJ2017 laila-biali

Image shows Laila Biali, Jazz Pianist and Vocalist from Canada

Photo credit to Eric Van Nieuwland

Image CaboCuba Jazz, from the Netherlands. Photo credit to Eric Van Nieuwland.


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Communications Unit
T: +6 082-423600  F: +6 082-416700
E: [email protected]