Monday May 20, 2013
Malacca to do away with overhead power cables
MALACCA: The historic state is doing away with overhead electricity lines and cables for safety and aesthetic reasons.
Chief Minister Datuk Wira Idris Haron said existing overhead cables in the city’s rural and urban areas would gradually be replaced with underground cables or have these routed to run between buildings.
“Besides being an eyesore, overhead electricity cables and lines are susceptible to many external interferences.
“Factors such as weather, air hazard and accidental impact with poles may cause breakage or stress to the transmission lines, posing danger to buildings and people.
“It’s good that we do away with it,” he said after visiting the state Tenaga Nasional Berhad headquarters in Banda Kaba here.
Idris, an electrical engineer by training, said the state TNB had been tasked to lead the special Street Lighting Maintenance and Management Committee to provide the technological expertise and consultancy to replace the overhead cables.
“The work will be carried out in collaboration with the state Public Works Department, local councils and other technical groups,” he said.
Street lamps and decorative lightning posing a danger to the public should also be quickly taken down to avoid any untoward incident, said Idris.
“The public should play a role by informing TNB on any issue or disruption to electricity supply,” he said.
Idris also noted that according to TNB’s System Average Inter-ruption Duration Index, Malacca’s average of 35 minutes/user last year was one of the best in the country.