December 30, 2011 at 2:00 pm
As we bid goodbye to 2011, the team enlisted the help of Julie Woon and Megan Tan, the two lovely emcees for Mystical Eve 2011, to pose some New Year related questions, especially about the ever famous New Year Resolutions. They gamely took the challenge and asked some typical Malaysians. The following is the first five questions we posed and the respective answers by the interviewees.

Julie Woon with Judith Flora. It’s wedding bells hopefully for Judith next year!
JF: Judith Flora, Orchan
DL: Dennis Lau
R: Roshan
AO: Andy Ong
SY: Su Yi
AZ: Adam Zain
JA: Jern Ai
BL: Barbara Lam
SC: Su Ci
LT: Lyn Tan

Dennis Lau shares his thoughts on New Years. He’ll be performing at ENCORP Strand this New Year’s Eve
Do you bother to celebrate New Year’s eve?
JF: I do as I always give thanks to God for having led me through a journey of twelve months where most people are not able to make it.
DL: Actually, I do bother to celebrate as I feel it is always good to be able to celebrate it with your special someone
R: My mum was born on the 31st December, so we do have a party for her. But it is usually a party for close friends and relatives.
AO: Yes I do!
SY: Not as gung-ho as I used to be
AZ: Depends on the definition of celebrating. I very much prefer a more intimate get together of close friends at any one of our places to chill and have a good time.
JA: I haven’t celebrated for the past 3 years as I have been in Melbourne. Everyone goes back to spend time with THEIR families over Christmas and New Years. But if I was back in KL, yeah… I would totally celebrate New Year’s eve!
BL: Yes
SC: Not really the big grand type of celebration but something small and cosy with people that matter most is enough.
LT: Absofreakin’lutely! Anybody would love to embrace a new beginning. Fittest time for festal cheer!
Where will you be this New Year’s eve?
JF: This year I will be in Malaysia at The Strand in Kota Damansara to celebrate New Year with my friends
DL: I would be performing at 2 shows; one is in The Strand at Kota Damansara for a New Year’s Eve countdown show and then I will rush over to headline a White Party NYE show @ Cyberview Lodge.
R: I will be at home with my mum and my family members!
AO: Most probably I will be at a friend’s bar.
SY: No solid plans at the moment
AZ: Probably working with the 8TV Quickie guys.
JA: In Melbourne. Having a super low-key (as in stay home and watch movies) New Year’s eve. Although after answering all these questions, it’s REALLY making me feel like I Should go out and party!
BL: No real plans at the moment
SC: Not too sure just yet. Heard there’s a plan for a secret-no-cameras-allowed-type-of-lingerie-party in the making though… :p
LT: Hmm.. nothing is set in stone just yet. Probably a get together at a friend’s crib or a pool party.

Radio celebrity Roshan posing with Julie
What is your most funniest New Year resolution and why?
JF: To be able to meet my boyfriend’s best and funniest friend. This is because he makes me laugh a lot whenever I chat with him
DL: That I am able to perform with Michael Jackson in year 2010 but unfortunately he passed on before the year ended.
R: Wow.. that has to be the one… where I promised myself that I would stop swearing! I’m glad to say that it lasted only for 3 hours!
AO: To watch less TV. It is funny because I just ended up watching more downloaded TV shows!
SY: One year, my friends and I had written down a To-do list which consisted of about 20 plus things to accomplish together that year. We only managed to cross 2 out. It has been 3 years since and the list is still stuck onto the door of my friend’s place
AZ: I’m sure at one point I had ‘to improve my memory’. Unfortunately, I forgot to work on it for the year.
JA: I wanted to take more videos of life around me! But everyone is camera-shy and accuses me of getting footage for blackmail or embarrassing wedding videos. Another one is to be more independent. But then the next day, there was this giant spider in my house and I was screaming for someone to “GETITGETITGETITGETIT!”. New Year resolution FAIL.
BL: I will stop replying with K, LOL to my friends’ texts because I do not want them to reply me with that too. LOL!
SC: To lose weight. I think it is self explanatory why it is funny. Who am I kidding? I have weighed the same since 10 years ago. Even if it changes, it only goes up, never down, :p
LT: Spend less time on the Internet. It is like a prison without bars and a porn magazine lying on the floor… such is the internet.

Everyone, it’s Andy!
What is your most horrible New Year’s experience?
JF: Celebrating New Year after our late mum had passed away the previous year. We had no celebrations but we were full of sorrows.
DL: Not that I can remember of at the moment
R: To be honest, I cannot seem to recall any (thank God!). But I do remember this one time when I suffered from indigestion. It was not that bad but it did put a halt to me celebrating New Year’s (for about 15 minutes!)
AO: Getting stuck alone in my car after work with a bladder that is about to explode right after the countdown.
SY: Walking from Bukit Bintang to KLCC on a 4-inch stiletto heels. It was fun at the moment, but I could not feel my toes after that.
AZ: I remember wanting to spend my NYE with my best friend. Everything seemed set and good to go. However, my father had other plans and insisted that the entire family go back to my grandparents’ place since apparently my grandparents really wanted all their grandchildren to celebrate with them. I love my grandparents but they fell asleep by 10pm.
JA: I do not have one really. It is either quite fun and upbeat or super low-key (like not do anything at all). I guess I prefer the former.
BL: Getting lost in the crowed and being stranded in KL for 2 hours.
SC: None too horrible that it is unforgettable?
LT: There was one year where I fell terribly ill, so I was just stuck in bed sleeping through the New Year. That was horrific.

Su Yi is such a sport to answer our little questions
Do you have any New Year celebration rituals?
JF: I don’t but the only thing that I do is give thanks to God through prayers
DL: Just pray for a better year and better health!
R: Nope!
AO: Nothing special besides the usual countdown.
SY: Watching the firework displays!
AZ: Not really. But I was always fascinated by how my Spanish friend used to celebrate New Year’s Eve. Custom dictates that at the stroke of midnight, one must eat a single grape every time the chime strikes, i.e. twelve grapes for the twelve chimes representing midnight. It was the most peculiar and anti-climactic thing I have ever seen.
JA: If I am back in Malaysia, my family will always head out for a big night with their friends and their families. We will go to a nice restaurant, preferably with dancing and live music and PAR-TAY the night away!!
BL: No
SC: Nope. Just try to enter the New Year with a positive attitude for the first 5 minutes to set the ‘pace’ for the year. Hahaha…
LT: Watching fireworks. I’d feel incomplete and out of spunk if I missed it.
Tags: Chinese New Year, Countdown New Year’s Party, ENCORP Strand, Mystical Eve 2012