Tourism Malaysia

Useful Tips When Visiting the KL International Book Fair (KLIBF2019)

Yes, it’s back!!

KLIBF 2019 (or PBAKL) is happening from March 29th until April 7th 2019 at the Putra World Trade Centre (PWTC). Organised by the Ministry of Education , Malaysia through the National Book Council of Malaysia (MBKM), KLIBF is definitely one event well-awaited by die-hard fans!

Here, you get to meet your favourite novelist who wrote that book that had such a great impact in your life, and here is also where you get to witness book launching and various other activities including seminars, forums and conventions.

Needless to say, the crowd increases each year, and during peak times where writers make appearances and sign books is when general chaos takes place in most booths. Here are some simple tips recommended for you if you plan to make a visit this year:

  • Knowledge is POWER!


  1. DO your homework. Make a wish-list of all books and publishers you have had your eyes on. This helps you plan your way around the exhibition with the help of the layout plan which is available in the official website:
  2. Take note of the times of special appearances, seminars and workshops so that you can include those you are interested to participate in.
  • Cash! 


    1. Be prepared. You don’t want to get caught unawares, and have to rush off to the nearest ATM machine. Best to find out firsthand if debit or credit cards are accepted.
  • Crowd!  


    1. This in inevitable! So, be sure to have plenty of patience and perseverance when going to exhibitions and fairs like these. If you are intent on getting your book signed, then just wait in line patiently. It is advisable to carry some snack bars in your bag, just in case you get the urge for some nibbles while standing in line.
  • Transport 


    1. Before you decide to self-drive, weigh down the pros and con. Ease of parking, traffic congestion and parking fees (which tend to be exorbitant!). It may be more convenient to take public transportation, but be sure to also consider the weight you will be carrying when you head back home.
  • Bag 


    1. Very important! Backpacks are highly recommended due to the weight distribution of the books you will be lugging around.
  • Kids


  1. Really? Seriously?? NOT advisable if going to fairs like this. If you absolutely have to, then aim to go early morning, as soon as the fair opens, on a weekday. Otherwise, consider finding a sitter! At least you can browse with peace of mind, and not be rushed with a grumpy child (or two, or three!) in your hands!





Date: 29 March 2019 to 7 April 2019
Venue: Putra World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur
Organiser: The National Book Council of Malaysia
Phone: 03-8321 7011

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