Wonderful Malaysia

Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2014 campaign

Malaysia is targeting to receive 28 million in foreign tourist arrivals during the Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2014. This target is achievable by enhancing the growth momentum of the country’s tourism industry through the VMY 2014 promotional campaign. The campaign, which runs for one year, not only promotes Malaysia on an international level but also highlights various pro-active initiatives by the Ministry of Tourism to ensure Malaysians understand the economic benefits of a successful VMY 2014.

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The theme song for VMY 2014, Celebrating Malaysia…Truly Asia, also made its debut to the public at the event. The theme song will be used worldwide for the VMY 2014 promotion.

Additionally, a three-day tourism carnival is also being hosted by the Ministry of Tourism and Tourism Malaysia from 18 to 20 January in conjunction with the launch of the VMY 2014 promotional campaign. Admission is free. Visitors to the carnival will also have an opportunity to learn more about national tourism festivals and activities such as Fabulous Food 1Malaysia, 1Malaysia International Shoe Festival, Malaysia My Second Home, Malaysia Homestay programme, 1Malaysia Contemporary Arts Tourism Festival, Parks and Gardens, Bike Rides and more.

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Tourism related industry has employed almost 2.0 million persons in 2011. Employment in the related tourism industries registered a growth of 7.7 per cent in 2011 as compared to 4.7 per cent in 2010. In 2011, the share of employment in the related tourism industry was 16.4 per cent as against 15.6 per cent in the previous year. In 2011, Malaysia received 24.7 million tourists, a huge increase compared to the 7 million tourists recorded in 1999.

Tourism industry is the third largest contributor to foreign exchange earnings with tourist receipts of RM58.3 billion in 2011. This translates to tourism revenue of RM4.85 billion each month, RM1.12 billion a week, RM160 million each day and RM6.6 million each hour. By 2020, Malaysia’s tourism industry is expected to attract 36 million tourists and record RM168 billion tourist receipts.

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